WOAH Workshop Advances Veterinary Workforce Development in Eastern Europe


Sub-Regional Awareness Raising Workshop on Veterinary Workforce Development in Eastern Europe was held in Bucharest, Romania on 25-27 June 2024

Dr. Budimir Plavsic, WOAH Regional Representative, and Dr. Csutak Nagy Laszlo, Vice-President of ANSVSA and Permanent WOAH Delegate of Romania, chaired and moderated the event.

The workshop is considered a key component of the ‘Strengthening Veterinary Workforce Development through Regional Capacity Building’ initiative. The primary objectives of this project are to evaluate the current landscape of the Veterinary Paraprofessionals (VPPs) workforce, identify gaps, offer specialized services, and enhance capacity-building tools for the WOAH Workforce Development initiative.

This workshop brought together experts from veterinary authorities, educational institutions, associations, and services from six countries (Romania, as a hosting country, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Türkiye, and Georgia). It aims to help countries and Veterinary Services to create a legal framework for VPPs, establish clear guidelines and ensure effective training and deployment, with the overall goal of developing sustainable employment models and empowering members to advocate for the necessary resources.


"Collaboration with other sectors is essential to improve the capacity and use of the veterinary workforce. We see great opportunities for veterinary paraprofessionals. There is a clear need for well-trained staff in Eastern Europe", - Dr. Plavsic noted.