Online meeting on Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (DMRR) for Europe


The WOAH meeting on Disaster Management and Risk Reduction was held online on 26 September 2024.

Building from the experience gained with the organisation of previous meetings, the Platform has organized several initiatives aiming at ensuring the continuity between the 3rd and 4th Action Plans and the engagement of WOAH members in the developed activities.

More than 30 WOAH European Members were involved in the webinar, that counted over 70 participants involved.

An important part of the meeting was the session dedicated to members who shared their experiences with different disasters in their countries, contributing actively to the knowledge and experience sharing, especially  regarding coordination between the Veterinary Services and the national disaster management system.

Furthermore, the meeting aimed at updating the  participants about the WOAH current engagement in the development of e-leaning modules, inform them on the ongoing works for the implementation of an institutional emergency management mechanisms at global level, and make them familiar with the  WOAH Network on Veterinary Emergencies (EmVetNet)  multiannual years action plan and related initiatives.

Overall, participants recognized that the workshop contributes to improving regional collaboration in DMRR. In addition, participants highlighted the befits of  the ‘collective power’ collaboration, learning from each other’s’ experience, as well as, the importance of the tool and trainings available. Finally, the presentation of the countries highlighted the need for continuous preparedness and adaptability.

Meeting agenda

Chaired by dr. Estelle Hamelin
11:45 – 12:00 Registration and welcoming of participants
Session 1: Opening
12:00 – 12:10 Opening remarks E. Hamelin (SRR Brussels)
12:10 – 12:20 Introduction and objectives of the workshop P. Dalla Villa (SRR Brussels)
Session 2: Regional activities and experience
12:20 – 12:35 Results of the WOAH a survey on the levels of “Veterinary Services’ preparedness for dealing with animal welfare emergencies during natural disasters “(15 min) P. Dalla Villa (SRR Brussels)
12:35- 13:05 Country experiences to be shared on integration of Veterinary Services into your national Disaster Management and Risk Reduction system (10 min per country – max 3 countries) Greece



North Macedonia

13.05-13.30 Discussions + Questions to follow up on the FP meeting All participants
WOAH moderator
Pause (10 min)
Session 3: Global activities with regional importance
13:40-14:00 A new Incident Management System (IMS) to improve WOAH’s preparedness for emergencies (20 min) Preparedness and Resilience Department, WOAH
14:00 – 14:20 An overview of the WAOH Online course on Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (20 min) Capacity-Building Department, WOAH
14:20-14:40 Evidence based support to the WOAH Members’ DMRR capacities (20 min) G. Vroegindeway

(EmVetNet Secretariat)

14:40 – 15:00 Discussion (15 min) All participants
WOAH moderator
15:00 – 15:10 Closing remarks and conclusions E. Hamelin (SRR Brussels)
15:10 End of the meeting