The 10th Regional Steering Committee of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) for Europe was held on the 4th of October 2022.
Since 2005, the GF-TADs in Europe contributed to strengthen the coordination of FAO, WOAH, and the EU for the control of TADs, leading to successful eradication of LSD in South-East Europe and progress in the control of other diseases. The importance of this mechanism in the context of crises. Representatives from FAO and WOAH reiterated their productive cooperation and support to the GF-TADs in Europe. The aims of the meeting were:
The Global Strategy was presented to participants. GF-TADs is, above all, a coordination mechanism between implementing partners. The GF-TADs global Strategy is based on three main objectives:
1. strategy development for priority TADs and coordinated planning
2. development of capacities with respect to multidisciplinary aspect
3. improved sustainability in financing and partnership.
Different outputs contribute to these objectives and how they will be operationalized. A working group has been established to provide recommendations towards the third objective of the strategy. A Task Force was set up to revise the HPAI strategy of FAO/WOAH.
Participants were presented with the new draft Action Plan. The presentation on the Action Plan is available on the regional website. The followings were underlined:
The list of diseases now includes ASF, HPAI, PPR, Rabies, FMD, and LSD.