Exploring Lumpy Skin Disease


WOAH Subregional Representation for Central Asia and Sciensano (EU Reference Laboratory on LSD) Host Online Seminar

In a collaborative endeavor aimed at fostering knowledge exchange among regional stakeholders, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and Sciensano, the EU Reference Laboratory on LSD, jointly organized an impactful online seminar focused on laboratory diagnostics and vaccines for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) on December 13, 2023. This event served as a crucial follow-up to the recommendations from the last SGE on LSD-12 held in March 2023.

The seminar attracted participants from veterinary laboratories and faculties of veterinary medicine across eight countries, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. A total of 36 professionals, including veterinarians, researchers, and educators, actively engaged in discussions and shared insights during the event.

The seminar benefited greatly from the expertise of trainers from Sciensano – the EU Reference Laboratory on LSD based in Brussels (Belgium). These experts delivered comprehensive sessions covering various aspects crucial to the understanding and control of Lumpy Skin Disease.

The agenda was thoughtfully structured to provide a holistic view of the current LSD epidemiological situation in the World, along with in-depth discussions on laboratory diagnostics and vaccine production.

The agenda included:

  • Overview of the Epidemiological Situation
  • Laboratory Diagnostics: Virological Methods
  • Laboratory Diagnostics: Serological Methods:
  • Requirements for Vaccine Production – Quality Control
  • LSDv Vaccines: General Recommendations from Safety/Efficacy Studies:
  • Question and Answer Session was a valuable opportunity for participants to actively engage with the experts, seeking clarification and expanding their knowledge.

The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from the attendees, who actively posed questions to the experts. The interactive nature of the event facilitated an exchange of valuable insights, contributing to a deeper understanding of Lumpy Skin Disease diagnostics and its control.

Feedback from participants highlighted the success of the seminar, expressing appreciation for the expertise shared and the opportunity for cross-border collaboration.

This joint initiative confirmed its effectiveness and usefulness, fostering collaboration among veterinary professionals from diverse countries and regions in the future. By providing a platform for shared learning and expert guidance, WOAH and Sciensano continue to play pivotal roles in advancing global efforts to combat animal diseases.

Key meeting documents:

Current Lumpy Skin Disease virus epidemiology


Nick De Regge, Scientist
Head of Service
Exotic and vector-borne diseases
Laboratory technical information on LSD Serology Andy Haegeman
Exotic and vector-borne diseases
Laboratory technical information on LSD Virology Andy Haegeman
Exotic and vector-borne diseases
Recommendations for LSDv vaccines from safety and efficacy studies Nick De Regge, Scientist
Head of Service
Exotic and vector-borne diseases
Requirements for vaccine production quality control Nina Krešić
Exotic and vector-borne diseases



Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)

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