8th Platform stakeholders consultation meeting


8th stakeholders’ consultation meeting of the WOAH Platform on animal welfare for Europe

The 8th stakeholders’ consultation meeting of the WOAH Platform on animal welfare for Europe took place in Brussels on 14th June 2023.

The meeting objectives were to report on the current and planned activities of the Platform according to the 3rd Action Plan and for stakeholders to present their recent and planned activities focusing on those relevant to priority topics of the Platform.
(link to the presentation).

In addition, the meeting provided an opportunity to present and discuss planned activities within the proposed 4th Action Plan of the Platform for 2024 – 2026.
(link to the presentation)

Stakeholders and partner organisations present at the meeting: AnimalhealthEurope, Compassion in World Farming, COPA-COGECA, Dog Trust Worldwide, Donkey Sanctuary,  Eurogroup for Animals, European Commission – DG Sante,  European Federation for Animal Health and Sanitary Security (FESASS), International Fund for Animal Welfare, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Please find more details in the meeting report.


Meeting documenst

8th stakeholders’ consultation meeting of the WOAH Platform on animal welfare for Europe - Agenda
8th stakeholders’ consultation meeting of the WOAH Platform on animal welfare for Europe - Agenda

PDF - 210.96KB


PDF - 408.70KB