Conferences of the Regional Commission for Europe


The next Regional Conference for Europe will be held in Latvia

31st Regional Conference
Samarkand, Uzbekistan
30 September- 04 October 2024

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Pandemic preparedness in Europe: the role of Animal Health and Veterinary Services in One Health and pandemic preparedness

* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Advancements in the Veterinary Services through Digitalisation (Data Management, Veterinary Information Systems, Big Data, Meta Language, Artificial Intelligence)

Pages with information regarding the Conference are available here 

30th Regional Conference
Catania, Italy
3-7 October 2022

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Long distance transport of live animals: WOAH standards and best practices including societal perception and communication aspects
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Vaccination against HPAI

Pages with information regarding the Conference are available here 

* Final report of the 30th Regional Conference

29th Regional Conference
9-10 November 2020

With the online format of this event, there was no technical item for this Conference.
The Technical item I initially planned (Long-distance transport of live animals: OIE standards and best practices including societal perception and communication aspects) will be discussed during the 30th Regional Conference.

* Final report 29th Regional Conference


See the event reported and access to the conference material

28th Regional Conference
Tbilisi, Georgia
17-21 September 2018

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Application of biosecurity in different production systems at individual, country and regional levels
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Importance of the prescription of antimicrobial agents and control of their distribution (with a possible e-tracking system) by the Veterinary Services for a proper implementation of the antimicrobial resistance strategy

* Final report 28th Regional Conference Europe


See the event reported in the OIE bulletin

27th Regional Conference
Lisbon, Portugal
19-23 September 2016

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Control and elimination of rabies in Europe:  challenges and strategies for a rabies-free Europe
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Lumpy Skin Disease: current situation in Europe and neighbouring regions and necessary control measures to halt the spread in South-East Europe

* Final report 27th Regional Conference Europe

26th Regional Conference
Bern, Switzerland
22-26 September 2014

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Animal health in the light of natural disasters and bioterrorism
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea: current global situation and possible threat for Europe

* Final report 26th Regional Conference Europe


25th Regional Conference
Fleesensee, Germany
17-21 September 2012

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
The role of wildlife in the control of domestic animal diseases
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Regional steps towards common Animal Welfare approach in Europe

* Final report 25th Regional Conference Europe


24th Regional Conference
Astana, Kazakhstan
20-24 September 2010

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
The dependence of the effective border controls on appropriate resources deployment and enhanced international cooperation, including information exchange
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Early detection and contingency plans for African Swine Fever

* Final report 24th Regional Conference Europe


23rd Regional Conference
Vilnius, Lithuania
16-19 September 2008

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Practical application of the concept of Compartmentalisation
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Strategy for Bluetongue control in Europe, including vaccination

* Final report 23rd Regional Conference Europe


22nd Regional Conference
Lyon, France
25-29 September 2006

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Epidemiological surveillance and on-farm inspections: rural veterinary network, public-private sector relations, training of farmers and veterinarians
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Live animals and food smuggling: current practices and prevention and repression tools

* Final report 22nd Regional Conference Europe


21st Regional Conference
Avila, Spain
28 September – 1st October 2004

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Contingency planning and simulation exercises for the control of epizootics
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Structure and organisation of Veterinary Services to implement the concept “from the stable to the table”

* Final report 21st Regional Conference Europe


20th Regional Conference
Kuusamo, Finland
10-13 September 2002

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
The role of Veterinary Services in the food chain “from the stable to the table”
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Cost-benefit analysis as a tool for decision-making to prevent the spread of infectious animal diseases

* Final report 20th Regional Conference Europe


19th Regional Conference
Jerusalem, Israel
19-22 September 2000

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
Swine vesicular disease: incidence, pathogenicity, epidemiology, diagnosis, economic impact
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Ensuring a limited disease environment for optimal production in the livestock industry

* Final report 19th Regional Conference Europe


18th Regional Conference
Prague, Czech Republic
September 1998

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
The role of international trade in animals, animal products and feed in the spread of transferable antibiotic resistance and possible methods for control of the spread of infectious resistance factors
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Strategic for controlling classical swine fever, including the application of modern vaccines

* Final report 18th Regional Conference Europe (English, French, Russian)
* Recommendations – 18th Regional Conference Europe (English, French, Russian)


17th Regional Conference
Saint Paul`s Bay, Malta
September 1996

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
The role and responsibility of Veterinary Services in respect to certification based on information provided by the production system
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Surveillance and control of marine fish diseases

* Final report 17th Regional Conference Europe (English, French)
* Recommendations – 17th Regional Conference Europe (English, French)


16th Regional Conference
Stockholm, Sweden
September 1994

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)
The control and prevention of salmonellosis in livestock farms
* Technical item II (without questionnaire)
Harmonisation of activities of the Veterinary Services in Europe, with special respect to principles of certification and to accreditation of European laboratories and the mutual recognition of analysis results

* Final report 16th Regional Conference Europe
* Recommendations – 16th Regional Conference Europe


15th Regional Conference
Istanbul, Turkey
September 1992

* Technical item I (with questionnaire)

* Technical item II (without questionnaire)

* Final report 15th Regional Conference Europe