Since its foundation in 1924, standard setting for animal health has always been at the core of the OIE’s activities. Although the body of standards present in the Terrestrial and Aquatic Codes and Manuals cover an ever-wider range of situations, these standards remain based on scientific evidence and input from members.
Every year, in September, four Specialist Commissions assemble to discuss the evolution of the three main OIE bodies of Standards, and the recognition of disease statuses:
Every year, the Commissions working on Standards publish reports of the modifications they propose for the codes, and these reports are published on the OIE website. In a move to provide Members and relevant International Organisations (IOs) with information about items circulated for comment in September reports, noting items of relevance for each region, the OIE has decided to organize a series of webinars for Members and observers to be able to follow presentations by the Commissions.
The Regional Representation and Sub-Regional Representations for Europe co-organized two webinars with the OIE Regional Representations for the Middle East and Africa on December 13th for Aquatic Animal Health, and on the Terrestrial Code on December 15th.
On December 15th, 67 participants received explanations from Dr Bonbon and Dr Hammami on the modifications to the Aquatic and Terrestrial Codes that were suggested by the September meetings of the Specialist Commissions, and that will be discussed again in February before being submitted to the World Assembly of Delegates during the May 2022 General Session.
The OIE places high value in the active participation of its member countries, and takes the opportunity to remind them that comments on the items for discussion during the February Session should be submitted by email to tcc.secretariat [a] before the 27th of December, 2021.
A video of the webinar on the presentation of the report of the code commission is available online at the following link:
Code Commission report presentation.