MOSCOW/13 October/ OIE/. The team of the OIE Regional Representation for Europe in Moscow was invited to attend the Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn” dedicated to the National Agriculture and Processing Industry Day. The exhibition is held annually by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture with support of the Moscow Government. “Golden Autumn” is considered the major national agricultural forum for cross-sectoral dialog and a platform for demonstration of recent developments.
During his visit to the “Golden Autumn” exhibition Dr Budimir Plavsic, the OIE Regional Representative, met Dr Sergey Dankvert, the Head of Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance and exchanged with him mutual recognition of their institutions and high level of collaboration. They discussed joint activities in priority areas. The OIE Representative thanked Dr Dankvert for extraordinary support to the OIE and its Members in the European region for providing translation of the OIE Manuals in Russian language. These translations were recently published on the OIE web pages.
During the meeting between Dr Maria Novikova, the Head of Veterinary Department in Russian Ministry of Agriculture, and the OIE team the importance of close collaboration in further harmonization with the OIE standards was underlined, as well as the involvement of other parties, including scientific centers working on One Health priorities, such as AMR and others.
Dr Plavsic was invited to participate in a round table organized by the Federal Center for Animal Health (ARRIAH, Vladimir, Russia), the OIE Collaborating Center for Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.
The event titled “Actual diseases in animal husbandry. Prophylaxis, diagnostics, solutions” featured prominent national experts on avian viral diseases, rabies, foot-and mouth-disease, lumpy skin disease and infection with SARS-CoV-2 in animals. Scientists presented current situation with priority animal diseases in Russia and gave overview of control efforts undertaking by the ARRIAH, Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselhoznadzor) and other collaborating research institutes.
The recording of the round table “Actual diseases in animal husbandry. Prophylaxis, diagnostics, solutions” is available here.
Dr Budimir Plavsic informed participants about several regional initiatives related to priority diseases, including GF-TADs mechanism, and the OIE active role in the global efforts to control COVID-19 and global warming issues. He noted the necessity to use the One Health approach in dealing with zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance and pandemic preparedness. He informed participants about a new strategic framework — Regional One Health Coordination Mechanism for Europe established in April 2021, and expressed his recognition of the Federal Center for Animal Health research and scientific activities during the last year.
Dr Andrey Mukovnin, Deputy Head of the Veterinary Department in Russian Ministry of Agriculture, noted the importance of the support provided by the OIE, and underlined systematic harmonization of national veterinary legislation with the OIE international standards.
Mr Jean Perchet from the OIE Regional Representation in Moscow took part in the conference titled “Food quality control as the base for healthy society” and organized by the Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality (VGNKI), the OIE Collaborating Center on Food Safety, Diagnosis and Control on Animal Diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.
He informed participants about the OIE activities related to AMR and prudent use of antimicrobials, underlined the importance of close collaboration of all stakeholders using the One Health approach. Mr Perchet also informed audience about several events to be organized by the OIE and partners during the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021.
In this session, VGNKI specialists delivered presentations on their recent research related to the antimicrobial resistance, such as: studies of multiple drug resistant bacteria strains isolated from animal products, creation of the national veterinary collection of drug resistant strains, participation in the AMR data collection and surveillance project AMRCloud, development of antibiotics alternatives for animal diseases treatment.
The recording of the round table ““Food quality control as the base for healthy society”” is available here.