On invitation by VGNKI (The Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality), Jean Perchet of the Regional Representation in Moscow attended the summit “Agricultural policy in Russia” in the framework of the summit “Meat & Poultry Industry Russia” exhibition on the 17th of May 2021 in Krasnogorsk (Moscow region).
One session of the summit was organized by VGNKI and ARRIAH (“Federal center for animal health”) – the two Russian OIE Collaborating Centers in the Russian Federation, – and titled “Biological safety in agriculture and in the veterinary field”. The session was moderated by Dr Vasilina Gritsyuk, deputy head of VGNKI.
On invitation by Dr Gritsyuk, Jean Perchet spoke about the importance of fighting AMR for the OIE, and of the value of events like the present round table in bringing essential messages to stakeholders. Jean Perchet spoke about the international framework created around AMR, and the role of the Tripartite Alliance of WHO, FAO, and OIE in implementing the “one health” approach, and the urgency and importance of reducing the use of antimicrobials.
After VGNKI and an OIE representative provided a few opening words, presentations were made on the following subjects:
The presentations made by participants went towards a common goal of improving biosafety while fighting against AMR, and more events of this type will be welcome in the future to continue communication with stakeholders.
More information and recommendations are available here: