Second OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’’ workshop on long-distance transport of animals by land for Belarus


The second OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’’ workshop on long-distance transport of animals by land was organised for BELARUS from April to June 2017.

Nine participants nominated by the OIE Delegate of Belarus including the National Focal Point for animal welfare, official veterinarians responsible for animal transport at central and regional level and representatives of the Veterinary Faculty members form Vitebsk and Grodno attended this workshop. The workshop was composed of three consecutive training sessions, with 5 and 4 week breaks in-between for study and preparation.


2nd Session, 15-19 May 2017 (Agenda of 2nd session)

3rd Session, 15-16 June 2017 (Agenda of 3rd session) 

The 3rd session was organized as a technical conference. Twelve additional participants form regional Veterinary Services and Faculties of Veterinary Medicine in Vitebsk and Grodno attended the conference.



Cascading activities conducted in BELARUS 


The most important element of effective OIE train-the-trainer workshops are post-workshop cascading actions. Trainers in collaboration with their OIE Delegate and/or CVO need to plan and implement ‘cascading activities’ to use and amplify the knowledge acquired in the country (more details).

After completion of ToT workshop, participants discussed outcomes and expected cascading follow up activities with OIE Delegate and Veterinary Services and Veterinary Faculties managements.

Six training sessions for Veterinary Services were already conducted on a regional level. In total 60 veterinarians (10 per region) participated in those training sessions. In addition, training for eleven farm veterinarians was conducted in Grodno region. It is planned, in a near future, to conduct similar classes and to train experts for private business, for farmers and business operators engaged in livestock husbandry.

The animal welfare during transport is already included in the national veterinary core curriculum, and OIE trainers shared OIE ToT training materials with colleagues at veterinary faculties.

The review of national legislation indicated that animal welfare during transport is properly covered by the national legal framework.


Trainers stories (coming soon …)