First OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’’ workshop on long-distance transport of animals by land for Kazakhstan and Ukraine


The first OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’’ workshop on long-distance transport of animals by landwas organised  for KAZAKHSTAN and UKRAINE from December 2016 to February 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan.  Each participating country was represented by five official veterinarians responsible for transport of animals at central and regional level nominated by the OIE Delegate.

The OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’ workshop was composed of the following three consecutive training sessions, with  4 week breaks in-between for study and preparation.


1st Session, 13-15 December 2016 (Agenda of 1st session)

2nd Session, 16-20 January 2017  (Agenda of 2nd session)

3rd Session, 22-23 February 2017 (Agenda of 3rd session)

During this Workshop participants gained a good understanding of animal welfare issues during long distance transport by land in the context of OIE chapter 7.3 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code and how to ensure its implementation and monitoring.

Meeting report  (to be posted soon)


Cascading activities conducted in countries

The most important part of the OIE train-the-trainer workshops is the ‘post workshop phase’ when trainers and their OIE Delegate and/or CVO have to plan and implement ‘cascading activities’ to use and amplify the knowledge acquired at national level. (more details)

Cascading activities conducted in Ukraine: 

After completion of ToT workshop participants discussed outcomes and expected cascading follow up activities with OIE Delegate and Veterinary Services management.

Animal welfare issues during transport were included in the list of presentations for specialists at the territorial level. Six training sessions addressing animal welfare during transport were held in the framework of training on the requirements of the European legislation in the production of food products. The training sessions were conducted jointly with the experts of the World Bank. In total 40 participants were already trained and additional training sessions are planned in nearest future. During those trainings OIE materials as well as newly developed materials adapted to the country situation were used.

The animal welfare during transport is already included in the national veterinary core curriculum, and OIE ToT training materials were shared with the veterinary educational establishments.

The review of national legal framework indicated that animal welfare during transport is only partially included in national legislation but some of the gaps are already addressed in the draft of the new normative act regarding protection of animals during the killing.

Cascading activities conducted in Kazakhstan: to be completed