The sixth WOAH Regional Workshop on Dog Population Management (SDB6) was organised in the framework of the Dog Population Management (DPM) roadmap for the Balkan countries 5 -7 November 2024 in Sutomore, Montenegro. The detailed agenda of the meeting is available below.
A total of 31 participants attended the workshop, including representatives of nine roadmap members: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia. WOAH Members were represented by officials working at the central level on dog population management or appointed by other Competent Authorities at the regional and local levels. Additionally, recognizing the challenges posed by the growing free-roaming dog population in other WOAH regions, representatives from Qatar were invited as observers to facilitate the exchange of experiences and expertise across regions.
The event was organised with financial support by the European Commission and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and kindly hosted by Montenegro.
The primary objective of the workshop was to support WOAH Members in achieving the agreed-upon vision of full implementation of WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code Chapter 7.7 on dog population management by 2026. The WOAH members presented an update on their dog’s population management situation and the status of implementation of their national road supported by the results of the second self-assessment round conducted using the Self-Assessment and Monitoring for Dog Population Management (SAM4DPM) tool.
One-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with WOAH members’ representatives to discuss self-assessment results and the challenges faced by implementing their national roadmaps. Interviews focused on identifying and discussing key achievements and challenges, resulting in selecting actionable short-term priorities aimed at the full implementation of Chapter 7.7. on do population management.
The workshop provided an opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge with experts’ technical presentations following discussion on:
In addition, a field visit to the municipal shelter in Sutumore allowed the attendees/participants to future discuss the practical implementation of the local dog population management, with a focus on shelter management and procedures.
The event fostered a dynamic and fruitful exchange among countries, highlighting shared challenges and practical solutions in their efforts to comply with WOAH Chapter 7.7 by 2026.
DAY 1: 5th November 2024 | |
Session 1: Opening | |
Welcome address and agenda overview – | Paolo Dalla Villa (WOAH)
Ivan Ivanovic (WOAH Focal Point Montenegro) |
Session 1: Opening | |
The WOAH Platform for Animal Welfare in Europe | T. Grudnik (WOAH) |
Specific Country needs and expected targeted support in between workshops | P. Dalla Villa (WOAH) |
Plenary lecture – Dog population management programs | John Peaveler (Humane Innovations) |
Session 2: Overall situation and tailor-made support | |
Results of the 2nd SAM4DPM self-assessment round and remaining gaps to achieve “the Vision”:
Bosnia and Herzegovina (apologies) One-to-One, semi-structured tailored interviews with countries |
WOAH Members presentations |
DAY 2: 6th November, 2024 | |
Session 3: Horizontal topics | |
Plenary lecture – Tools and methodologies for the assessment of free-roaming dogs’ temperament | Jenna Kiddie – dog behaviour expert (Dogs Trust, UK) |
Humane methods for catching and handling feral and un-owned free-roaming dogs | John Peaveler (Humane Innovations) |
The NGOs’ role in guiding and supporting government strategies for DPM and free-roaming dog’s control | Alex Hammond (RSPCA) |
EU policies for the protection of companion animals | Ana Maria Popa (EU Commission) |
Visit to the dog shelter |
DAY 3: 7th November 2024 | |
Session 5: The Platform transregional influence | |
Plenary lecture: “One – Health approach to dog-mediated public health risks.” | F. Cliquet (ANSES, France) |
The WOAH Collaborating Center on Animal Welfare support to the science-based decision-making process; the African experience | Dr. I. Iannetti (IZS/WOAH CC on AW, Teramo) remote |
Community-based approach to DPM in Tunisia | Prof. Ouajdi Souilem (ENMV, Tunis) remote |
Preliminary outcomes of the One-to-One semi-structured tailored interviews with the Balkan countries’ representatives | P. Dalla Villa (WOAH) |
Closing remarks – Next steps | P. Dalla Villa (WOAH) |
* References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999)