National Focal Points are nominated by the Delegates to help them in their work on specific issues in eight particular areas (Aquatic Animals, Animal Disease Notification, Animal Production Food Safety, Animal Welfare, Communication, Veterinary Laboratories, Veterinary Products and Wildlife)
Focal points contribute to:
The role of Focal Points on animal welfare is defined by their Terms of Reference (link)
WOAH works towards strengthening the capabilities of national focal points in their respective roles through a dedicated training program. In addition, WOAH aims to foster and promote the exchange of information within Veterinary Services and with other relevant stakeholders.
We regularly strengthen the network of focal points in their respective areas of competence, mainly through seminars, training courses and workshops at regional and sub-regional levels.
Those activities aim to provide knowledge to support the focal point in their responsibilities and role in the standard-setting process and implementation with our international standards.
In addition, those meetings raise awareness about regional and global issues and concerns outside of the national context, provide specialised and horizontal training across WOAH mandate on topics relevant to their area of expertise, and promote reflection on how national systems can further work towards compliance with our standards.
Regional seminars for National Focal Points on Animal Welfare are usually held every two years. The last one was held in Madrid, Spain, in June 2024.
The WOAH Terrestrial and Aquatic Animal Health Codes provide standards for improving animal health and welfare and veterinary public health worldwide, including standards for safe international trade in terrestrial and aquatic animals and their products.
The Specialist Commissions consider requests to develop new standards or review existing standards received from a range of stakeholders, including Members, partner international organisations, and its scientific network. These requests are reviewed, prioritised, and included in their respective work plans.
The Specialist Commissions meet twice a year in February and September; their meeting reports, including texts of the chapters for comments and for adoption, are available on the WOAH website and Delegates Portal
Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission
The Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission
The standard-setting process is inclusive and includes the participation of our members and partner international organisations.
A stepwise description of the process for the elaboration of WOAH International Standards.
The SOP and specific guide are available to guide how to submit comments for consideration by WOAH Specialist Commissions
Global Animal Welfare Strategy and Regional Strategies
In May 2017, the WOAH Members adopted the first Global Animal Welfare Strategy. Built on the experiences and outcomes of regional animal welfare strategies and platforms already implemented worldwide, it aims to provide continuing direction and coordination of WOAH’s actions to achieve sustained improvements in this field.
Regional Animal Welfare Strategies
WOAH supports the development of regional animal welfare strategies. These strategies are valuable tools that help countries implement standards while recognising regional context and priorities. The content of these strategies is adapted to each region, but the overall goal is to provide guidance and a common framework for the development of action plans to be implemented at the regional level.
WOAH Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe (the Platform) was created in 2013 to contribute to the improvement of animal welfare in Europe.
It provides a sustainable collaboration mechanism for regional activities to support and empower Veterinary Services to take action and implement our standards on animal welfare.
The Platform was created following the initial Concept Note, and the Regional Commission for Europe adopted specific Terms of Reference in November 2020.
The Platform is governed by a Steering Group (SG) under the supervision of the Regional Commission for Europe (the SG holds two meetings per year)
The WOAH Sub-Regional Representation in Brussels ensures the Platform’s Secretariat
Activities of our Platform on animal welfare for Europe
The platform activities are built following 3-year action plans. Since its launch, the Platform has already successfully implemented three Action Plans.
4th Action Plan for (2024 – 2026)
The current 4th Action Plan for (2024 – 2026), has been developed considering the needs identified by WOAH Members of the Regional Commission for Europe, the outcomes of and lessons learnt from the implementation of the past initiatives and the results of the external evaluation of the Platform activities. It ensures continuity with the previous ones by building upon their achievements and retaining the strategic purpose of empowering veterinary services to improve animal welfare across Europe.
The desired impact of the 4th Action Plan is to contribute to improving animal welfare in Europe through the following priority topics for the region: transport of animals by land and by sea, slaughter of animals, dog population management, welfare of working equids, and welfare of animals during natural disasters.
We encourage all Members to share their ideas, comments, and especially their experiences, successful stories, and lessons learned with us.
If you have any questions, jus let us know
WOAH Sub-Regional Representation in Brussels
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 55
1000 Bruxelles, BELGIUM
Phone: +32 2 211 83 65
Email: [email protected]