Uniting Against PPR: collaborative solutions discussed in GF-TADs webinar


On September 4th, 2024, the GF-TADs Regional Secretariat for Europe, with the support of EU DG  SANTE and in collaboration with FAO and EuFMD, organized an online webinar to address the ongoing Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) situation in Europe. The webinar brought together more than 100 participants, including Member States’ Delegates, representatives from relevant reference laboratories, and international organisations (WOAH, FAO, EuFMD, and the European Commission). This initiative is part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen regional coordination under the GF-TADs framework.

PPR outbreaks have recently been detected within the territories of Greece and Romania, both of which were previously recognized by WOAH as officially free of the disease. This development has raised concerns across Europe, prompting the need for urgent action and collaboration.

The affected countries—Greece, Romania, Georgia, and Türkiye—provided updates on their current PPR situations. CIRAD, the WOAH Reference Laboratory for PPR, presented an overview of their laboratory activities and offered a comprehensive review of the PPR situation, both globally and regionally. The European Union presented measures and support provided under EU legislation to combat the spread of PPR.

Key Recommendations from the Webinar:

  1. Enhance Surveillance Campaigns: Countries should strengthen surveillance based on updated risk assessments.
  2. Increase and Disseminate PPR Awareness: Efforts should be made to educate farmers, veterinarians, professionals in contact with susceptible species, and stakeholders to identify and report clinical signs suggestive of PPR. Member States are encouraged to contribute PPR awareness materials to the GF-TADs portal for regional dissemination to enhance regional cooperation.
  3. Revise Risk Assessments: Countries are urged to update their risk assessments and contingency plans with the latest data on PPR distribution across Europe.
  4. Sample Sharing for Analysis: Affected countries should share PPR samples with CIRAD (designated WOAH and European Union reference laboratory) for sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to deepen the understanding of the disease’s epidemiology.
  5. Ensure Transparency and Continue Sharing Information:
    Timely notification of PPR outbreaks through WAHIS is essential to maintain transparency, and transparent, updated information must be exchanged within the GF-TADs framework to support regional cooperation.
  6. Enhance Diagnostic Capacity: National-level diagnostic capacity should be reinforced, and PPR should be included in differential diagnoses.

The webinar underscored the importance of cooperation, information sharing, and coordinated actions across Europe to prevent the further spread of PPR and ensure preparedness. Participants emphasized that a unified approach is crucial in combating the disease and protecting the region’s livestock and economy.