Supporting National Veterinary Services in Europe


Veterinary Services are the governmental and non-governmental organisations that implement in their territory animal health and welfare measures, according to our recommendations and standards. Playing an essential role in the development and implementation of policies to manage animal health risks, they are considered a global public good.

In the era of globalisation, they play an important role in veterinary public health, including foodborne diseases, regional and international market access for animals and animal products and in animal welfare.


Ensuring the capacity and sustainability of Veterinary Services to act quickly and decisively is one of the strategic objectives of the WOAH. The Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway is the flagship capacity building platform developed by the WOAH to facilitate a sustainable improvement of the national Veterinary Services in the implementation of the WOAH standards. It has recently undergone a careful “renovation” for the future. (PVS Tool 2019).

The recent surge in emerging zoonoses has increased awareness of the opportunity and critical need for a collaboration with other government agencies in the context of the global `One Health` initiative, which calls for effective policies and actions at the human/animal/environment interface. Today, collaboration of the Veterinary Services with agencies responsible for public health and for the environment is of high priority.

We have a powerful One Health partnership with the WHO, integrating the OIE PVS Pathway with the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in addressing global health security. (IHR-PVS Pathway National Bridging Workshops).

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