WAAW 2019

World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2019


Antibiotic Resistance : Better use of antibiotics

Proposed each year in November by the Tripartite partners, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) is aimed to raise awareness of the health risks posed by antibiotic resistance.

This week (18 November – 24 November 2019) is the opportunity to promote good practice in this area of concern, to limit the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria throughout the world.

We need you.

See here what you can do to combat antimicrobial resistance at your level and  read more about antimicrobial resistance

Tripartite Tools Website

Visit the dedicated website for tripartite activities and campaigns to learn through and interactive game, discover awareness activities, share stories and access tripartite tools.

Trello Board

Learn about the WAAW campaigns of the tripartite partners. Gain access to all tools, videos, social media and infographics all in one place on the Tripartite Trello Board.

Test your knowledge on antibiotic resistance

Quiz: Human and veterinary health practioners and professionals, how much do you know about antibiotic resistance?