There are many challenges associeted with zoonotic diseases. A valuable resource to support your country in addressing them, the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide (TZG), is now available in English and 5 additional languages: French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.
Your country can use this guide to strengthen sustainable and functional multisectoral, One Health collaboration among all the sectors responsible for health.
Our efforts to address the challenges of #zoonoses do not stop. The #Tripartite Zoonoses Guide, a valuable resource developed by #OIE, @WHO & @FAO, is available in many languages to help countries take a multisectoral #onehealth approach to these diseases.
What are the benefits for your country?
By using the guide, you can build or strengthen your country multisectoral capacities on:
Tripartite Operational Tools specific to these technical areas will soon be available to complement de TZG and support its practical implementation.
For more information on the Tripartite Guide to adressing zoonotic diseases in countries, visit the OIE webpage