Third OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’’ workshop on long-distance transport of animals by land for Russia


The third OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’’ workshop on long-distance transport of animals by land was organised for RUSSIA in August – September 2017.

Ten participants nominated by the OIE Delegate of Russia including the OIE National Focal Point for animal welfare and official veterinarians representing regional veterinary services responsible for transport of animals and border control attended this workshop.

Similarly to previous OIE ‘’Train the Trainer’ workshops, the third workshop was also composed of three consecutive training sessions, with 3 to 4 week breaks in-between for study and preparation.

1st Session was held in on 1-3-August 2017 in Belgorod, Russia (Agenda)

2nd Session was held on 4-8 September 2017 in Belgorod, Russia (Agenda)

3rd Session was held on 26 -27 September 2017 in Moscow, Russia (Agenda)

During this Workshop, Russian participants gained a good understanding of animal welfare issues during long distance transport by land (OIE chapter 7.3 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code) and how to concretely ensure its implementation and monitoring.

Main outcomes – cascading activities conducted by the Trainees in Russia