Key documents
- Presentations
* Review of the Recommendations of the last two Steering Committees of October 2005 and December 2007 (C. Planté)
* Review of Global GF-TADs governance and outcomes of the Second Global Steering Committee (FAO)
* Review of outcome of OIE Regional Commission (Vilnius) (N.T. Belev)
* Status and support to GF-TADs global tools (GLEWS, OFFLU, CMC-AH) (FAO – OIE)
* State of play of PVS evaluations and Gap analysis carried out in Europe – Feedback from experience gained (M. Gonzalez-Ortiz)
* Rabies (EC)
* Swine Fevers (EC – OIE)
* PPR (EC ): identification, movement control, vaccination, etc.
* FMD (EC ): Roadmap(s) for progressive control pathway in the region, role of each member of the GF-TADs for Europe
* Diseases situation and activities (Rabies, ASF, CSF, PPR, FMD, Brucellosis, HPAI, Rinderpest (FAO)
* FMD control in the European neighbourhood –priorities/actions of the EuFMD Commission to reduce risk to member states (EuFMD)
* ADIS and links with WAHIS (OIE)
- Recommendations
Rec1: Governance Mechanisms of GF-TADs for Europe
Rec2: Enhancing prevention and control of priority diseases in Europe
- Report of the meeting
GF-TADs RSC3 report