Thematic regional webinar on slaughter of animals


Thematic regional webinar for WOAH National Animal Welfare Focal Points in Europe on the slaughter of animals was held on 19th December 2023.

This online event was organised to:

  • Provide an update on recent developments on animal welfare during slaughter in the context of a proposed revision of WOAH standards,
  • Share an update on the development of online training resources on welfare during slaughter,
  • Share information on the proposed 4th Action Plan for 2024-2026 for the Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe, including outcomes of external evaluation,
  • Identify topics and issues to be addressed for the next National Animal Welfare Focal Points seminar (initially planned for June 2024).

In total 37 participants, including 27 WOAH Focal Points, joined the webinar.

During the meeting, the following topics were initially identified by participants through the pool as the main relevant topics for the next Animal Welfare Focal Points seminar:  transport of animals, animal welfare in pig production and dairy cow production systems and horizontal issues such as communication, awareness raising and engagement of veterinary authorities with stakeholders.

Key meeting documents: 


Meeting report 


The work of the Code Commission – L. Stuardo (WOAH Standards Department)

Chapter 7.5 – revised draft proposed for adoption – Antonio Velarde (Chair WOAH ad hoc group on the revision of Chapter 7.5)

EFSA opinions – animal welfare at slaughter – Antonio Velarde (EFSA AWAH Panel Member)

E-learning module on animal welfare during slaughter
T. Grudnik (WOAH SRR Brussels Office )

WOAH Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe  4th Action Plan (2024-2026)
T. Grudnik