First OIE Regional Workshop on Stray Dog population management for West Eurasia countries (SDWE1)


Workshop objectives

The objective of the SDWE1 workshop was to launch a long-term regional initiative aiming to support countries to become progressively compliant with OIE intergovernmental standards on stray dog population control (Chapter 7.7 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code). The ultimate goal is to reduce the issues (in magnitude and severity) caused by stray dogs including rabies in humans, while ensuring proper animal welfare conditions for stray dogs.

More specifically, this workshop aimed to:

  • Present the provisions of the OIE Chapter 7.7 of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code on stray dog population control and Chapter 8.14 on Infection with rabies virus;
  • Review and discuss existing national control strategies on stray dog population;
  • Identify the key weaknesses/constraints/challenges in the implementation of OIE standards;
  • Share best practices for the management of stray dogs in the region (the OIE regional initiative on stray dog population management in the Balkans will be presented);
  • Become familiar with the OIE stray dog SAM Tool and understand the need to use it on a regular basis to monitor compliance progress overtime.
  • Discuss a common Vision at sub-regional level to address the problem of stray dog population control including its rabies component, with the perspective of developing a Roadmap to achieve the Vision at sub-regional level;

Final report of the Workshop

Workshop Agenda

Workshop presanations:

Session 1 — Setting the scene session

OIE general presentation – E. Panina (OIE)

OIE achievements on Animal Welfare – L. Stuardo (OIE)

OIE Platform for Animal Welfare in Europe – N. Leboucq (OIE)

OIE Animal Welfare standard on stray dog population control (chapter 7.7) – R. Kolesar

OIE standard on infection with rabies virus (chapter 8.12) – L. Stuardo (OIE)

WHO presentation on rabies in Central Asia – WHO (by video)

OIE regional initiative on stray dog population control in the Balkans – N. Leboucq (OIE)

In-depth presentation of the stray dog Self-Assessment and Monitoring Tool – B. Alessandrini (IZSAM / Teramo)

Session 2 — Country reports

Session 3 — Identification of key challenges

Session 4—Adressing the Challenges

Topic 1 — Identifying the source of the problem (Stray Dogs)

General presentation of Topic 1 (based on Chapter 7.7) – Alexandra Hammond-Seaman (RSPCA)

Sharing of best practices (Country experience) – Georgia

Topic 2 — Surveying and monitoring Stray dog population

General presentation of Topic 2 – R. Kolesar (OIE)

Sharing of best practices (Country experience) – Azerbaijan

Topic 3 — Designing a modern legislation on Stray Dogs

General presentation of Topic 3 – Martial Petitclerc (OIE)

Sharing of best practices (Country experience) – Poland

Topic 4 — Using Euthanasia as a last recourse

General presentation of Topic 4 (WAP guidelines) – Joe Anzuino (WAP)

Sharing of best practices (Country experience) – France

Topic 5 – Controlling rabies in dogs

General presentation of Topic 5 – A. Suharkov (ARRIAH)

Sharing of best practices (Country experience) – Kazakhstan

Session 5—Building a Vision towards sustainable stray dog control in West Eurasia

Summary – Steps to developing a comprehensive Stray Dog population control Strategy (in compliance with OIE standards) – Alexandra Hammond-Seaman (RSPCA)

Session 6 — Closing session

Closing remarks