A new E-Depository ASF

Awareness materials for farmers


Farmers and farm workers have a crucial role. As for hunters, there are many different types of farmers, but for all of them, their consistent on reporting dead carcass, respect of hunting biosecurity and assist in controlling wild boar population, can have major consequences. This is important both for large commercial farming, as well as for backyards and smallholders who may in some cases mistakenly consider that the risks are less relevant to them. 


Stop African Swine Fever (All EU Languages)

Informative Poster (EN)

Informative Stickers (EN1) (EN2)

Social media posts (EN)


AGES African Swine Fever (EN) (DE)

African swine fever (ASF) information for pig farmers from Jagd&NaturTV with BMASGK and AGES (DE)


AFSCA – African swine fever spreads in Europe (FR) (EN) (RO) (DE) (HU) (PL) (BG)



BFSA – African Swine Fever Threats Bulgaria! (BG)

African Swine Fever and Biosecurity measures during hunting (BG)


Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede – Leaflet African swine fever a threat to pig farming (HR)


SEGES – African Swine Fever – Guidelines for the barn entrance (DK)

Avoid ASF Poster (DK) (EN) (DE) (RU) (PL)

3 tips to avoid ASF (DK) (EN) (RO) (RU) (PL)

Danish infection protection rules (DK) (EN) (RU)

African swine fever warning sign (DK/EN/DE/PL/RO/RU)


Regionaal – Ja Põllumajandusministeerium African swine fever (EE)

On-Farm Biosecurity to Prevent African Swine Fever (EE)


ANSP, SNGTV, DGAI and GDSF – African Swine Fever (FR)

Do you own pet pigs? Some recommendations (FR)

Are you a pig breeder? Some recommendations (FR)

Are you a wild boar breeder? Some recommendations (FR)

Are you involved in breeding? Some recommendations (FR)

ASF vigilance. When to suspect it? (FR)


BMEL – African Swine Fever (DE)

Protection against animal diseases – what farmers can do (DE)

Posters preventing the spread of African swine fever in Germany (DE1) (DE2) (DE3)


Ministry of Rural Development and Food Directorate General Veterinary Directorate Animal Health Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – African Swine Fever (GR)

Republic of Ireland

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine – African Swine Fever (EN)

Information for Farmers (EN)

Biosecurity procedures for visitors to pig units in Ireland (EN)

Clinical signs of ASF (EN)

Flyers ASF (EN1) (EN2) (EN3)


Ministero della Salute – African Swine Fever (IT)

Information for breeders (IT1) (IT2)


Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba – African Swine Fever (LT)


The Netherlands

NVWA warning sign Prevent African swine fever (NL)

Poster Measures to be taken (NL)


North Macedonia


African Swine Fever (MK)


Główny Inspektorat Weterynarii – Information regarding African swine fever (PL)

Video regarding African swine fever (PL)


ANSVSA – Videoclip African Swine fever (RO)


Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede, Šumarstva I Vodoprivrede – African Swine Fever (RS)

African Swine Fever (RS)


Afrického moru ošípaných (AMO) (SK)

African swine fever in domestic pigs and wild boars (SK)

Let’s Stop the spread of African Swine Fever (SK)


OSAV/BLV/ USAV – African Swine Fever (FR) (DE) (IT)

Tips for protecting your pigs from ASF (FR)

African swine fever (ASF) – checklist for pig keepers (FR)

United Kingdom

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs – African Swine Fever (EN)

Video Scottish Government – pig producers (EN)

Keep African Swine Fever out poster (EN1) (EN2) (EN3)

African Swine Fever Leaflet (EN)


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They will be included here