A new E-Depository ASF

Awareness material for travelers and drivers


Travelers and drivers can have a powerful impact on viral dissemination, and it is essential that they are informed about the risks associated with transportation of meat and meat products that can be associated with focal point contamination in areas far from the current extent of the disease. In addition, it can be helpful for customs officials to have at hand material explaining the risks of carrying meat products.


AFSCA – AFSCA – African swine fever spreads in Europe (FR) (EN) (DE) (DE)


Landbrug & Fødevarer – African Swine Fever (DK)

UNDGÅ African Swine Fever (DK) (DE) (EN) (PL) (RU)

DO YOU BRING FOOD? READ HERE before taking it into the crew area (DK) (EN) (PL) (RO) (RU)

Danish infection protection rules (DK) (EN) (RU)


Information for travelers about African swine fever – video (FI)

Guideline on Restrictions on Private Import of Foodstuffs (FI)


ANSP, SNGTV, DGAI and GDSF – African Swine Fever (FR)

Guide to good biosecurity practices for the transport of pigs (FR)

Audit Pig Connect Biosecurity Transport: Washing areas for live animal transport trucks (FR)

African Swine Fever Alert (FR/EN/PL/RO/RU/CZ)

Are you a pig/wild boar transporter? Some recommendations (FR)


BMEL – African Swine Fever (DE)

Attention: African swine fever! (DE/FR/EN/BE)

Infographic (EN) (PL) (RU) (RO)

Republic of Ireland

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine – African Swine Fever (EN)

ASF Information for Livestock Transporters (EN)


Ministero della Salute – African Swine Fever (IT)

Information for travellers (IT1) (IT2)

The Netherlands

NVWA warning sign Prevent African swine fever (NL)

Prevent African Swine Fever poster (NL)

Prevent African swine fever through animal transport! (NL/EN/DE)


ANSVSA – African Swine Fever threats to spread into Europe: be aware of its signs and notify your veterinary doctor! (RO)

African Swine Fever threats Romania (RO) (EN)

Notice for travelers (RO/EN)


Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede, Šumarstva I Vodoprivrede – African Swine Fever (RS)



Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca Y Alimentación – Do not put us at risk! (ES/EN)

Important Health Information (ES/RO/RU/EN/PL)


Jordbruksverket – African swine fever (SE)

Together we stop swine fever (SE)

United Kingdom

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs – African Swine Fever (EN)

#MuckFreeTruck (EN)

ASF Hauliers Advice (EN)

For veterinary services
For farmers
For hunters
For travelers, customs and drivers
For the general public

This page contains different materials that can be adapted to use among travelers and drivers.


Share your awareness campaign documents with [email protected]

They will be included here