A new E-Depository ASF

Awareness materials for hunters


Hunters are especially important. They are the first to interact with wild boars. Their assistance in reporting dead carcasses, or respecting hunting biosecurity, or assisting in the control of wild boar populations, really makes a major difference. They are a public that has some interaction with veterinarians, wildlife, and veterinary services, but their role is so important that specific instructions should be designed for them. 


Stop African Swine Fever (All EU Languages)

Social Media Post Adds (EN)

Infographics for Hunters (EN)

Informative Posters (EN1) (EN2)

Informative Stickers (EN1) (EN2)


AGES – African Swine Fever (DE)

African Swine Fever Video Info (DE)


ASF Flyer (EN)

PPA Chasseurs (FR)

ASP Jager (DE)


NLRS – African Swine Fever (BG)

African Swine Fever Poster (BG)


Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede – African Swine Fever (HR)


Fødevarestyrelsen – African Swine Fever (DK)

AFS_Fact sheet for hunters (DK)

Sampling instructions_wild boar (DK)


Regionaal – Ja Põllumajandusministeerium African swine fever (EE)

Biosecurity in the Forest to Control African Swine Fever (EE)


ANSP, SNGTV, DGAI and GDSF – African Swine Fever (FR)

Autopsy biosafety sheet (FR)

PPA-ANSP-chasseur (FR)

PPA-ANSP-wild boar breeder (FR)


BMEL – African Swine Fever (DE)

ASP Jaeger (DE)

ASP Infographic (DE1) (DE2) (DE3) (DE4)


Ministry of Rural Development and Food Directorate General Veterinary Directorate Animal Health Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – African Swine Fever (GR)

Republic of Ireland

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine – African Swine Fever (EN)

Biosecurity Advice for Hunters (EN2)


Ministero della Salute – African Swine Fever (IT)

Information for Hunters (IT1) (IT2)


Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba – African Swine Fever (LT)

Sampling of hunted boar (LT)

Poster “Don’t become a distributor of African swine fever” (LT)

Poster “Control of African swine fever in the European Union” (LT)

ASF virus survives in the environment (LT)

How ASF is transmitted to hogs (LT)

Video about ASF (LT)


Główny Inspektorat Weterynarii – African Swine Fever (PL)


ANSVSA – Videoclip African Swine Fever (RO)



Ministarstvo Poljoprivrede, Šumarstva I Vodoprivrede – African Swine Fever (RS)

African Swine Fever (EN)


Jordbruksverket – African Swine Fever (SE)

Together we stop swine fever (SE)

Together we stop swine fever – Posters (SE)

Don’t spread African swine fever to Sweden! video (SE)


OSAV/BLV/ USAV – African Swine Fever (FR) (DE) (IT)

ASF Poster 

Measures ASF wild boar (FR/DE/EN)

ASF Cheat sheet for hunters (FR)

United Kingdom

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs – African Swine Fever (EN)

ASF Posters (EN1)

Advice for the Hunters (EN)

Share your awareness campaign documents with [email protected]

They will be included here