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Awareness campaign materials on ASF


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OIE ASF awareness campaign material

The OIE (Communication Unit) has published early February 2019 a set of ASF awareness campaign material. 6 posters are currently available in French, English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese versions:
– OIE general tools
– Commercial pigs farms
– Small backyard farmers
– Hunters
– Travellers
– Transport authorities and check point staff

This material can be downloaded and spread around from a One Drive folder and also from the OIE trello on ASF.

Some material have already been translated in bulgarian, croatian, islandic, portuguese, romanian, slovakian,

Sample of the material in English (‘OIE general tools’ and ‘Hunters’) and Russian (‘OIE general tools’ and ‘Small backyard farmers’):

European Commission ASF awareness campaign material

* EU Fact sheet for hunters / EN
* EU Fact sheet for huters / RU
* African Swine Fever – Clinical signs:

awareness campaign material

Editable generic leaflets (PPT files), downloadable in Bosnian, English and Serbian.

European countries ASF awareness campaign material

A lot of information and awareness material is provided in German 
and other languages

* Poster and Leaflet on ASF in Bulgarian
* Document on the ASFORCE programme in Bulgarian
* Leaflet for hunters in Bulgarian

* Leaflet for pig farmers, in EnglishFrenchDutch and German
* Leaflet for hunters, in EnglishFrenchDutch and German
* Leaflet for the general public and travellers, in EnglishFrenchDutch and German
* An 8 page-long leaflet of the Wallonie region “La peste porcine africaine: agissons ensemble!”

* General poster on ASF for public at large (Estonian)
* Biosecurity at farm level (Estonian)
* Biosecuritty during wild boar hunting operations (Estonian)
* Guidelines for the control of ASF in the forest (Estonian)
* Explanatory diagram of a burial site (Estonian)


* Dedicated ASF page on Ruokavirasto (Finnish Food Authority) website with materials for different stakeholders – FinnishSwedish and English
* Animation videos on ASF for travelers, hunters, vets, pig farmers and hikers – Finnish and Swedish
* Multilingual leaflets for travelers, passengers, transport operators: “Guidelines on restrictions on personal import of food” (2-pages) and “Guidelines on restrictions on import of food by private persons” (3-pages)
* General information leaflet for pig farmers, hunters and vets (Finnish and Swedish)
* Leaflet for hunters (Finnish and Swedish)
* Leaflet for hunters: ASF on sampling (Finnish and Swedish)

A lot of awareness material prepared by the French authorities is available in French at https://www.plateforme-esa.fr/article/ppa-actions-de-sensibilisation-menees-en-france-actualisation.
The material – messages, letters, posters, flyers – are displayed according to the target public: breeders, veterinarians, other actors in the pig sector, hunters, forest profesionnals, general public.

* Flyer on ASF Risk linked to food waste (multiple languages)
* And a number of documents intended to 1/ inform travelers about the portability of the ASP virus to contaminated food; 2/ educate farmers about the portability of the ASP virus; 3/ inform hunters and hunters about the portability of the ASP virus. Please access the package here.

* Poster for travellers
* Leaflet for farmers
* Leaflet for hunters

* A dedicated ASF page on the DAFM website is in place which provides a lot of material for all stakeholders including travellers/members of the public, and in particular:
* a multilingual poster for visitors to or staff from Irish pig farms who may have been in ASF affected regions
* advice for livestock transporters intending to travel to or through ASF affected areas
* a poster specifically designed for members of the travelling public and general hauliers who may travel to ASF affected areas

* Instructional video for foresters and hunters showing preventive behavior in the case of ASF (Polish)

* Poster at border to prevent import of pigs and pork products (English)
* Poster at border to prevent import of pigs and pork products (Romanian)
* Notice to travellers (English and Romanian)
* Technical information sheet on ASF for private vets (Romanian)
* Biosecurity rules to observe during wild boar hunting (Romanian)
* Notify ASF signs to your veterinarian (Romanian)
* Information material on biosecurity measures to prevent African swine fever for pig breeders (Romanian)
* Video clip on ASF for breeders, travellers. For hunters, ask the GF-TADs Secretariat.


* Three posters titled “La bioseguridad es tu responsabilidad” (“Biosecurity is your responsability”) dealing with specific biosecurity measures to be applied by workers in pig holdingstransport and abattoirs in order to prevent outbreaks of ASF.
* A poster titled “¡No nos pongas en riesgo!” (“Don’t put us at risk!”) which aims to increase awareness of travellers who arrive in Spain or fly to affected countries.
* A poster titled “Información sanitaria importante” (“Relevant health information”) with similar information to the one found in the posters designed for the airports, recommending travellers not to bring fresh or cured meat-products from affected countries and be careful about their disposal. This poster contains the same information written in six strategic languages: Spanish, English, Romanian, Bulgarian, Polish and Moroccan.
* A poster titled “Si cazas en otros países debes tomar ciertas precauciones para no traer enfermedades animales a tu regreso” (“If you go hunting to other countries you must take care about not bringing animal diseases on your return”) which summarizes some important measures to be taken by hunters to prevent the entrance of animal diseases to Spain (including ASF).

* Posters in language versions aiming at:
– Hunters: SerbianBulgarianEnglishHungarianRomanian
– Farmers: SerbianBulgarianHungarian
– Border control: Serbian/BulgarianSerbian/EnglishSerbian/HungarianSerbian/RomanianSerbian/English/HungarianSerbian/English/Romanian

* A multilingual poster ‘Don´t throw leftovers in nature, use the garbage bins!’ has been posted at resting points along major roads mainly in southern Sweden and posted at all Customs offices and BIPs.
* A multilingual leaflet on the same topic and key messages (‘Please ensure that all food waste is disposed of safely / It is forbidden to feed kitchen waste to pigs and wild boar / Please clean clothes and shoes that have been in contact with wild boar for hunters and travellers’) is also available, aiming particularly at travellers and hunters.
* Video for travelers that for example addresses the importance of not to bring meat or meat products from pigs or wild boar from countries where ASF is present.
* Questions and answers are continuously updated when the situation demands.
* The website of the SBA is continuously updated. An ASF-website in English has been launched.
* A series of videos from a seminar is on our Youtube channel with the NGOs in the pig branch as well as farmers organizations, hunters organizations and all governmental boards that are involved in the control and eradication of ASF in an outbreak.

United Kingdom
* Presentation showing images of ASF clinical signs and pathology
* Posters of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
* 2 pages documents: Advice for hauliers – Advice for hunters
* 5 posters: Clean and disinfect vehicles and clothing – Don’t bring meat back – Don’t feed meat but use secure bins – For hunters – On impact of ASF
* 2 videos: one aimed at commercial pig keepers and one aimed at pet pig owners