A new E-Depository ASF

Awareness material for the general public


The general public can have an impact in many different situations, even when they are not traveling – as users of the forest and countryside where wild boars live, they can refrain from risky practices associated with food scraps, report wild boar carcasses to veterinary services, avoid damaging fences when these are set up, etc. They can also help along by carrying messages to others, and making prevention of ASF infection part of the norm, and helping other stakeholders feel valued for implementing protection measures. 



ASF Flyer (EN) (FR)

ASF / PPA Video (EN/FR)


Finnish Food Authority – ASF (EN) (FI) (SV)

ASF leaflet (EN)


ANSP, SNGTV, DGAI and GDSF – African Swine Fever (FR)

Alert! ASF Flyer (EN/FR/CZ/PL/RO/RU)

Do you own pet pigs? Some recommendations (FR)

Information for Pigs or wild boar holders (FR)

ASF in 14 questions (EN) (FR)


BMEL – African Swine Fever – (DE)

Prevent ASF (DE)

Preventing the spread of ASF flyer (DE) (EN) (PL) (RO) (RU) (CZ)

Preventing the spread of ASF in Germany flyer (DE) (DE)

Atention! AFS (DE/FR)

Erklärfilm – Afrikanische Schweinepest (DE)



Ministry of Rural Development and Food Directorate General Veterinary Directorate Animal Health Department of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases – African Swine Fever (GR)

Republic of Ireland

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine – African Swine Fever (EN)

African Swine Fever Alert (EN/PL/BG/CZ/RO/EE/LV)

Attention to all pig Owners (EN)

Stop the spread of ASF (EN)


Ministero della Salute – African Swine Fever (IT)

African swine fever routes of infection: Information for travelers (IT1) (IT2) (IT3)

Alert: African Swine Fever (IT/EN/FR/DE/PL/RO)


National Food and Veterinary Service – African swine fever (LT)

African Swine Fever leaflet (LT)



Chief Veterinary Inspectorate – Information on African swine fever (PL)

ASF information document (PL)

Leaflets ASF (PL1) (PL2)

Attention! ASF leaflet (PL/DE/ EN/ RU)


Steps to control the spread of ASF (ES)


Jordbruksverket – African Swine Fever (SE)

Warning! ASF flyer (DE/EN/SE/ PL/RU/RO)

Warning! ASF flyer (DE/EN/SE) (EN/DE/SE/RU/PL/RO/BG/EE)

Together we can stop ASF Poster (SE) (SE)

Stop ASF Video (SE)


OSAV/BLV/ USAV – African Swine Fever/ Peste porcine Africaine/Afrikanische Schweinepeste/Peste suina africana (FR) (DE) (IT)

ASF Document (FR1) (FR2) (FR3)

ASF Information document (FR)

Attention! ASF Flyer (FR/DE/IT/EN)

United Kingdom

AHDB – African Swine Fever resources and posters (EN)

Gov UK – How to spot ASF (EN)

ScotGov – Advice video for small holders and pet pig keepers (EN)

Keep ASF Out (EN1) (EN2)

Do you keep pigs, even as just pets…? (EN)

For veterinary services
For farmers
For hunters
For travelers, customs and drivers
For the general public

This page contains different materials that can be adapted to use among travelers and drivers.


Share your awareness campaign documents with [email protected]

They will be included here