GF-TADs - Standing Group of Experts on Rabies for Europe


Presentation / objectives of the SGE RAB

Rabies eradication is a GF-TADs and One Health priority for all 53 WOAH Member Countries of the European region. The GF-TADs for Europe expanded its activities in 2019, with the creation of a Standing Group of Experts on Rabies (SGE RAB).


The main objective of this Standing Group of Experts is to coordinate the oral rabies vaccination activities in wild carnivores with the overall goal of accelerating the final eradication of rabies, primarily in the Balkan sub-region.


The importance of improving surveillance data and holding a regional perspective, including an assessment of the situation in bordering countries, are identified as key elements before considering phasing out of vaccination. Therefore, regional cooperation remains essential and the key objective of this SGE RAB, to safeguard and consolidate the success of rabies control. ​

Members of the SGE RAB (as of July 2024)

  • Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine
  • Organisations: European Commission – WOAH – FAO
  • Secretariat: WOAH Sub-Regional Representation in Brussels ([email protected])

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

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